Types of Solar Panels:

  • Monocrystalline Solar Panels: The cells of these solar panels consist of a single crystal. These solar panels have the highest efficiency but are also the most expensive.
  • Polycrystalline Solar Panels: The cells of these solar panels consist of multiple coarse crystals. Polycrystalline solar panels have a reasonably high efficiency at a competitive price.
  • Glass-Glass Solar Panels: Glass-Glass solar panels have a longer lifespan than other types of solar panels and the least degradation in generating capacity. This makes glass-glass solar panels attractive in the long term.
  • Amorphous (Thin-Film) Solar Panels: These solar panels are made from amorphous silicon, which means they don't contain crystals and are flexible. Amorphous solar panels are not expensive but have the lowest efficiency. These panels are usually not used on roofs.

Calculating Solar Panel Output:
kWh per year = Number of solar panels X Peak Wattage of the solar panel X 0.85

  • Peak Wattage (WP) can be found in the solar panel's specifications.
  • 0.85: This is the average efficiency of a solar panel in the Netherlands.

