Benefits of Batteries:

  • Lower energy costs
  • Provides independence
  • Backup system

Reasons Batteries Reduce Energy Costs:

  • Lower Procurement Costs: Because the Dutch energy price is announced 24 hours in advance, with a battery, you can purchase energy at the lowest price of the day.
  • Peak Shaving: Peak shaving is a strategy where you manage electricity demand and reduce peak loads on the electricity grid. This is done by compensating energy consumption with energy from the battery.
  • Load Shifting: Load shifting reduces consumption peaks by moving energy usage from peak hours to off-peak hours.
  • Energy Price Speculation: Because energy costs are announced 24 hours in advance, with a battery, you can consume energy at low or negative costs and sell it at higher prices.

Calculating Battery Capacity:
Battery Capacity (kWh) = Average Daily Usage (kWh) x Autonomous Days / DoD

  • Battery Capacity = the required capacity for your system
  • Average Daily Usage = the energy you need daily
  • Autonomous Days = the number of days you want to be independent of the electricity grid
  • Depth of Discharge (DoD) = the battery's discharge percentage

